Rubber Ducky Method

Moez Mustafa
2 min readJun 29, 2020


Mr.Polyethylene Ducky

when you sit quietly with your shoulders relaxed.Mind at peace with all your foucs directed toward solving that one mother fucker of a problem that has been bugging you for past two days and you know deep down that you can solve it but still you cant just because you lack the focus or the exact words to phrase your confusion.

In such senario one goes toward seeking help,that helper could either be a virtual entity such as a website, or that helper can be a person who can listen to your confusion and guides you to a destination.That may un-tie the knots in your confusion.

But what if i say there is another method that is far more effective and instant and actually help improve your cognative abilites and help you come up with solutions on your own.Pretty cool right ?

In the words of might WikiPedia ,The Rubber Ducky Method is ;

“In software engineering, rubber duck debugging is a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Wikipedia

This concept can be applied to literally any task that demands problem solving skills to be present in your quiver.

So it goes like this and i here share my own example, i was working with my journal and planning out how to device myself a timetable/routine so i can be productive and can route my energies towards a genral happy mood all throgh my day.Problem started when i tackled my phone usage and my awsome ability to crash time into useless activities.So i started to procastinate as i was doing well on a mediocre level.But my demand was high and i cant supply.

Then i sat myself down and talked thoroughly about my routine and stuff to a doll,that i do intentionally and unintentionally and that really helped me squeeze down my problem causing stimuli and effects.

Believe me it was amazing that how quickly it showed me results and helped me grow a much faster and much agile workflow.



Moez Mustafa
Moez Mustafa

Written by Moez Mustafa

Developer who Designs, Building Communities with Google Microsoft and LFX/CNCF.

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